47 - How To Find Affordable Counseling (feat. Dr. Kevin Tarlow)
This week, we get into the interviews for Season 3 by addressing one of the most common questions we hear: how do you find affordable mental healthcare? Joining us is Dr. Kevin Tarlow, the founder of LowCostHelp.com.
Helpful tips for finding affordable counseling:
- figure out what your health insurance covers
- ask a local provider for referral options
- check local college/university counseling centers
Things we mention in this episode/other resources:
- Episode 29: Why Don't People Get Treatment? (& How Can We Help?) (feat. Dr. David Susman)
- LowCostHelp.com
- Psychology Today's therapist directory
- Open Path Collective
- HelpPro
Connect with Dr. Tarlow on his website or Twitter. Connect with LowCostHelp on the website or on Twitter.
- “We don’t have enough care. We don’t have care providers. We don’t have enough affordable care for mental health.” (tweet)
- “It’s a full-time job, knowing how to navigate the healthcare system.” (tweet)
- “We talk about food deserts…I think there are healthcare deserts too.” (tweet)
- “I don’t think any of us should have to do this alone…it’s hard enough for me, who knows how this all works.” (tweet)
- “Find someone that can help you through this process if possible, because that can make such a big difference.” (tweet)
- “A huge thing we can do for the people that we care about is making sure they get the help we think they need.” (tweet)
Connect with Robert on his website, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.
Connect with Holly on her website or Twitter.
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Intro/Outro music for this episode is ‘Fall Down’ by Rivers & Robots.