48 - How Does Nutrition Impact Our Mental Health? (feat. Dr. Leslie Korn)
Who’s hungry? In this episode, we get to talk with Dr. Leslie Korn, an expert on how nutrition impacts our mental health. We talk about the gut as the ‘second brain,’ what foods are good for depression, anxiety, focus, sleeping, etc., and how to start evaluating your diet and making changes that stick. [Confession from Robert: I literally finished eating an ice cream sandwich before typing these show notes. I think Dr. Korn might disapprove.]
Things we mention in this episode/other resources:
- The NTA’s free online course: ‘Nutritional Therapy 101’ that teaches the basics of nutrition
- Dr. Korn’s book The Good Mood Kitchen: Simple Recipes and Nutrition Tips for Emotional Balance
- Dr. Korn’s book of recipes: Eat Right, Feel Right: Over 80 Recipes and Tips to Improve Mood, Sleep, Attention & Focus
- Dr. Korn’s book Nutrition Essentials for Mental Health: A Complete Guide to the Food-Mood Connection
- Other podcasts on the topic of nutrition & mental health
- The Thoughtful Counselor episode: Mood Follows Food
- Therapy Chat episode 124: Eating Right to Feel Good - Nutrition & Mood
- Counselor Toolbox podcast episode 309: Nutrition
- The Savvy Psychologist: Is Your Gut Making You Depressed or Anxious?
- Article from Harvard Medical Publishing - Nutritional Psychiatry: Your Brain on Food
- The Center for Nutritional Psychology, which contains a page with tons of specific research & more resources.
Connect with Dr. Korn on her website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube, or SoundCloud. You can also buy her books on Amazon!
- “Up until recently, [nutrition] has been the missing piece in mental health treatment.” (tweet)
- “Find a healthy substitute for the food that you like.” (tweet)
- “Eat all the colors of the brainbow.” (tweet)
- “Coffee is a drug, it’s not a beverage. So use it wisely.” (tweet)
- “I guarantee you that if you improve your food, you will improve your mental health.” (tweet)
Connect with Robert on his website, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.
Connect with Holly on her website or Twitter.
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Intro/Outro music for this episode is ‘Fall Down’ by Rivers & Robots.